Social in Glasgow – 24th March 2023


Join us for the SoundRoutes Singers Social on the 24th March 2023 from 6.30-10pm at Cairn’s Bar (5/15 Miller Street, Glasgow, G1 1EA). The cost is £11 which includes a buffet, quiz, raffle and more! Don’t forget to fill in the form here:

Block Payment Options:
1. To pay by bank transfer, please send £11 to the following account and please enter your name and choir as the reference (e.g. J Bloggs, Hamilton):
Account Name: Soundroutes Ltd – Sort Code 82-64-08 – Account Number: 80041631

2. To pay with PayPal, simply add to the basket and continue.

Online Payment – Social
Session details: 24th March 2023, 6.30-10pm


Online Payment - Social

Terms & Conditions:
1. If this event is cancelled due to lack of numbers, we will refund everyone who has purchased a ticket.
2. We will be unable to refund if the session has to be cancelled due to circumstances out of our control.